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Exciting New Project and a Reprise of A Peek Behind the Curtain

Writer's picture: Voices from the BorderVoices from the Border

In partnership with Sierra Club Borderlands, The Patagonia Museum, Pimeria Alta Museum, La Linea and We Love Nogales, we are excited to announce the initiation of an oral history project called The Border Before. 

The border has not always been as it is now, and in fact, has never been as it is now. We envision a project that we feel will be a valuable resource for filmmakers, musicians, documentarians, journalists, and historians, specifically documenting the personal observations of folks who grew up on the US/MX border in binational "Ambos Nogales" and nearby communities. Detailing memories of what the border was like "before" compared to how they experience it now, these audio recordings will be archived into an online collection made available to the public, creating an oral history of the living and truly authentic "voices from the border".

Voices from the Border is often approached by writers, artists, and others outside of the border region for help in creating a factual "counter-narrative" to the perceived need for an increasingly dangerous and inhumane militarized border and border wall. This archive could prove a valuable way to meet such requests as well as be a springboard for other creative and meaningful projects. 

The project's launch will be a reprise of the “Peek Behind the Curtain: The Making of a Podcast” that Voices, The Border Chronicle, and Sierra Club Borderlands have sponsored in the past in Patagonia. This year the event will be at The Wittner Museum in Nogales, AZ, on Saturday, September 7th at 3 pm. Award-winning border journalists, Todd Miller and Melissa del Bosque of The Border Chroniclewill interview long-time borderlands residents about "the border before" in front of a live audience followed by a Q&A. The event will be recorded and made into a podcast for The Border Chronicle.

Stay tuned for more details about this meaningful project and how to be involved!

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Voices from the Border

PO BOX 1192, Patagonia, AZ 85624

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