A photo from our archives - helping newly arrived asylum seekers at the wall, July 2019
The Border Chronicle's June 13th edition...
Last week, I asked immigration and border expert David Bier what he thought were the top three false narratives proclaimed, promoted, and propagated during this year’s campaign season. His response: (1) “Donald Trump had the most secure border in America’s history,” (2) “Joe Biden opened America’s borders to illegal immigration,” and (3) “Recent immigration is helping Democrats.” From there we tackle each point individually in a conversation that will hopefully also assist you in navigating your discussions about the border and immigration, discussions that will inevitably intensify during the next several months.
David Bier is the director of immigration studies at the Cato Institute. His work has appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, and USA Today, among other publications. In May, he testified before the House Committee on the Budget in the U.S. House of Representatives on the “cost of the border crisis.” You can also follow him on Twitter, where he regularly deconstructs border and immigration narratives.